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a brown and white border collie stands on a skateboard, wearing sunglasses


1st person view taking the longest zip-line in the world through Dubai








Style: Modern cinematic realism with vivid visual accents. A summer evening. A group of young friends is gathered on a rooftop, overlooking the glowing city lights. They’re laughing, chatting, and enjoying the vibe with soft music playing in the background. The camera slowly zooms in on a bottle of YOMI beer on the table. Cold condensation drips down the glass, highlighting the vibrant golden hue of the drink. The focus shifts to a hand reaching for the bottle. The camera follows the motion, capturing the crisp sound of the bottle cap popping open. A sip. A deep breath. A smile. In the background, a voice speaks: ‘YOMI — the taste of the moment. Capture your inspiration.’ Final scene: A bottle of YOMI stands against the backdrop of a setting sun, its golden light refracting through the beer. The brand logo and tagline appear on screen: ‘YOMI. The time of your story.


The camera follows behind a white vintage SUV with a black roof rack as it speeds up a steep dirt road surrounded by pine trees on a steep mountain slope, dust kicks up from its tires, the sunlight shines on the SUV as it speeds along the dirt road, casting a warm glow over the scene


POV, ACTION SHOTS, JUMPCUTS, Montage,, tracking shot, from the side hyperspeed, 30x speed, cinematic atmosphere, person having a futuristic neon beachpunk in punkexosuit form around them, suiting up, glow and light, Phanto-Cinematic still, beachpunk gigadream, kodak etkar 100, hypersurrealist retrowave religiouscience fiction, Southern California, emocore, hyperfuturistic, beachpunk ISO: T2.8, compression: ARRIRAW, lighting_conditions: ultraviolet blacklight, backlit,


Close-up shot of a freeride skier carving through deep, untouched powder snow during a vibrant sunset in the Alps. The camera starts low, tracking alongside the skier as they make a powerful turn, sending a spray of fine snow into the air. The spray catches the warm golden-pink light of the setting sun, creating a stunning glow and sparkling reflections. The camera then pans upward and slightly rotates, revealing the majestic alpine peaks bathed in the sunset’s hues. The skier continues gracefully downhill, leaving a glowing trail of light and snow in their wake as the scene fades into the serene mountain landscape.


An elegant scene set in Egypt featuring a female anthropomorphic fox character. She has vibrant red-orange fur and vivid green eyes, posing gracefully near ancient Egyptian ruins with the iconic pyramids in the background. She is wearing a flowing, semi-transparent, culturally inspired robe with golden patterns. The setting includes sandy terrain, scattered palm trees, and hints of ancient stone structures adorned with hieroglyphics. The sky is clear, and the sun casts a warm glow over the scene, emphasizing the mystique of the Egyptian desert landscape.


A stylish woman walks down a Seoul street filled with warm glowing neon and animated city signage. She wears a black leather jacket, a long red dress, and black boots, and carries a black purse. She wears sunglasses and red lipstick. She walks confidently and casually. The street is damp and reflective, creating a mirror effect of the colorful lights. Many pedestrians walk about.


A stylish woman walks down a Seoul street filled with warm glowing neon and animated city signage. She wears a black leather jacket, a long red dress, and black boots, and carries a black purse. She wears sunglasses and red lipstick. She walks confidently and casually. The street is damp and reflective, creating a mirror effect of the colorful lights. Many pedestrians walk about.

Other AI video products

CompanyGeneration TypeMax LengthExtend?Camera Controls? (zoom, pan)Motion Control? (amount)Other FeaturesFormat
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PikaText-to-video, image-to-video3 secYesYesYesModify region, expand canvas, upscaleWebsite
GenmoText-to-video, image-to-video6 secNoYesYesFX presetsWebsite
KaiberText-to-video, image-to-video, video-to-video16 secNoNoNoSync to musicWebsite
StabilityImage-to-video4 secNoNoYesWebsiteLocal model, SDK
ZeroscopeText-to-video3 secNoNoNoLocal model
ModelScopeText-to-video3 secNoNoNoLocal model
Animate DiffText-to-video, image-to-video, video-to-video3 secNoNoNoLocal model
MorphText-to-video3 secNoNoNoDiscord bot
HotshotText-to-video2 secNoNoNoWebsite
MoonvalleyText-to-video, image-to-video3 secNoYesNoDiscord bot
DeforumText-to-video14 secNoYesNoFX presetsDiscord bot
LeonardoImage-to-video4 secNoNoYesWebsite
AssistiveText-to-video, Image-to-video4 secNoNoYesWebsite
Neural FramesText-to-video, image-to-video, video-to-videoUnlimitedNoNoNoSync to musicWebsite
MagicHourText-to-video, image-to-video, video-to-videoUnlimitedNoNoNoFace swap, sync to musicWebsite
VispunkText-to-video3 secNoYesNoWebsite
DecohereText-to-video, Image-to-video4 secNoNoYesWebsite
Domo AlImage-to-video, video-to-video3 secNoNoYesDiscord bot


OpenAI Sora泄露:艺术家批评剥削和不合理的补偿

一个名为PR Puppets的用户在Hugging Face上公开发布了一个项目,内容是多位艺术家对OpenAI的投诉以及最新Sora生成视频的泄露



AI驱动视频内容简介 随着人工智能(AI)的出现,视频制作领域正在经历一场巨大的变革。曾经是技术专家领域的内容现在正在被AI驱动的技术所增强,甚至有时被替代。威尔·史密斯品尝意面的病毒视频只是这个蓬勃发展世界的一个缩影,引发了内容创作者的惊叹和存在恐慌。欢迎来到未来,在这里,AI生成的视频不仅仅是一种新奇,而且正在迅速发展成为现实。 AI视频创作的神奇之处 这场革命的核心是对AI在视频制作中的作

Author:Marques Brownlee


这是一个美丽的无人机拍摄,就像你在旅行视频中可能看到的那种视频一样,但实际上并不存在真实的无人机和摄影机,因为这段视频是由OpenAI刚刚宣布的一款新工具"Sora"生成的。只需要输入一个简短的文本提示,几分钟内它就会生成一个60秒的视频片段,几乎可以想象出任何东西。 Brian Chung在这里为我们详细解释这一切,这确实很酷。这可能意味着数百万人可能会失业,因为谁来制作所有这些视频,这可能对

Author:NBC News

你能分辨出什么是真实的吗?- 人工智能生成的视频





  • Sora是由OpenAI开发的AI模型,可以根据文本指令创建逼真且富有想象力的视频场景。它旨在模拟运动中的物理世界,生成长达一分钟的视频,同时保持视觉质量并遵循用户的提示。

  • Sora是一个扩散模型,它从类似静态噪音的视频开始,并逐步通过多个步骤去除噪音来转换它。它使用了类似于GPT模型的变压器架构,并将视频和图像表示为称为补丁的较小数据单元的集合。

  • Sora可以生成各种视频,包括具有多个角色的复杂场景、特定类型的动作以及主题和背景的精确细节。它还可以将现有静止图像动画化,或通过填补缺失的帧来延长现有视频。

  • Sora可能会在准确模拟复杂场景的物理、理解特定的因果关系实例以及在时间上保持空间细节方面遇到困难。有时会产生物理上不合理的运动或混淆空间细节。

  • OpenAI正在与红队合作对模型进行对抗性测试,并正在构建工具来检测误导性内容。他们计划在未来将C2PA元数据纳入其中,并利用其其他产品中现有的安全方法,如文本分类器和图像分类器。

  • Sora目前可供红队人员评估危害或风险的关键领域,并为视觉艺术家、设计师和电影制作人提供反馈,以推动创意专业人士的模型发展。

  • 如果您是一名创意专业人士,您可以通过OpenAI申请访问Sora。一旦获得访问权限,您可以使用该模型根据您的文本提示生成视频,为您的创意项目增添独特而富有想象力的场景。

  • Sora作为能够理解和模拟现实世界的模型的基础,OpenAI认为这是实现人工通用智能(AGI)的重要里程碑。

  • Sora对语言有着深刻的理解,能够准确解释文本提示,并生成生动的角色和场景,表达丰富的情感。它可以在单个视频中创建多个镜头,同时保持一致的角色和视觉风格。

  • Sora使用了类似于GPT模型的变压器架构,并将视频和图像表示为称为补丁的较小数据单元的集合。这种数据表示的统一使得模型可以在更广泛范围的视觉数据上进行训练。

  • 通过一次性给模型多帧的预见,Sora可以确保主体即使暂时离开视野,也能保持一致。

  • Sora使用了来自DALL·E 3的重新字幕技术,这涉及为视觉训练数据生成高度描述性的字幕。这有助于模型更忠实地遵循用户的文本指令在生成的视频中。

  • OpenAI计划在将Sora整合到其产品之前采取几项安全措施,包括对抗性测试、开发检测分类器,并利用来自其他产品(如DALL·E 3)的现有安全方法。

  • Sora可以被电影制作人、动画师、游戏开发者和其他创意专业人士使用,以快速高效地生成视频内容、分镜头,甚至用于快速有效地原型设计想法。

  • OpenAI正在积极与政策制定者、教育工作者和艺术家合作,以了解关注点并确定技术的积极应用案例。他们承认虽然他们无法预测所有有益的用途或滥用,但从现实世界的使用中学习对于随着时间推移创建更安全的人工智能系统至关重要。

  • OpenAI拥有文本分类器,用于检查和拒绝违反使用政策的文本输入提示,例如请求极端暴力、性内容、仇恨图像或未经授权使用知识产权的内容。

  • 在AI中,“世界模型”指的是一个计算模型,模拟物理世界及其动态,使AI能够理解和预测其中的物体和实体如何相互作用。在Sora的背景下,这意味着该模型已经经过训练,能够生成视频,不仅遵循文本提示,还遵守真实世界的物理定律和行为,如重力、运动和物体相互作用。这种能力对于从文本描述中创建逼真和连贯的视频内容至关重要。